How to calculate shipping costs? offers several methods of delivery. For the calculation of real time delivery fees (the price is automatically adjusted according to the height and weight of the order), integrates Canada Post and Supership. To use one of these services, select the service you are interested in to know how to configure it for your shop:

Canada Post


If your store does not require actual delivery costs, offers the following solutions:

– Free shipping

– Fixed costs ($ X for each order)

– Percent charge (x% of the amount of the order is set for delivery)

– Price grid

– Weight grid

Finally, offers the ability to add shipping conditions. Two options are currently available:

– Store Pickup (Allows customers to pay no shipping costs if they choose to get their order in store)

– Free Shipping on orders over $ X (offer customers the possibility to not pay for shipping if the order exceeds a certain amount)