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Understanding SEO in 4 points

Written by Florian
Optimize your store
February 15 2024 (Mis à jour le 14 March 2024)
2 min

What is SEO?

This acronym, on everyone’s lips, stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search engine optimization is the process of improving certain elements to appear higher in search engines.

Some people mistakenly think that all you have to do is pay for an SEO service to appear at the top of Google’s results. However, Google does its job well; complex rules have been established to define the relevance of search results. Here are a few ways to understand and improve your SEO.

1. Optimize web page download times

Good news, you don’t have to do a thing here! Your store’s speed is under Panierdachat’s control.

Download time affects SEO. A slow download means a poorer browsing experience, and many visitors will close the window if the site doesn’t load fast enough. Google always looks for the website that will appeal most to visitors. So a fast-loading website is much more appealing, and you’ll benefit directly from this with Panierdachat.


2. Creating relevant content on your blog is a winner!

But what is relevant content? Essentially, it’s something that will interest visitors. In concrete terms, calculations of bounce rate, average session duration and click-through rate will generate results.

If your website ranks well when a visitor searches for “baby products”, congratulations! Once on your website, if you capture the user’s attention, they browse through your products and stay on the store for a long time, that’s great for your SEO!

If, on the other hand, your website positions itself well with the terms “Baby items”, but visitors aren’t captivated, leaving without reading the content because it doesn’t answer what they’re looking for, unfortunately you’ll lose your positioning on “Baby items” because Google will know it’s not relevant enough. For example, this could be because you sell more things for older children, or you only have one baby item.


3. Tools for your online store

You’ll notice that for all pages, categories and products, Panierdachat has added fields so that you can work with Title and Meta-description tags . Although optional, these are tools at your disposal that you’d be well advised to use. Try filling them in for your best-selling products!

Title tag: title of your web page. This is what will appear on the page’s tab and is very important information for search engines.

Meta-description: description of your page that will appear in Google results.


4. Increase the number of inbound links

Internal links help your website to be indexed. An internal link is a link within your website, to another page on your website. So if you talk in your blog about a previous article, you can add a hyperlink and your reader will save search time.

A backlink is an external link to your website. For example, links from social networks when you share a product or blog post will benefit your SEO.

When another blog talks about you, it tells Google that you’re well-known.


SEO isn’t magic, but…

As you’ll have noticed, there’s no such thing as a free pass to automatic success on Google. You need to create quality content, promote your product on the various social networks and, ideally, get others talking about your store. There are even more tricks you can perform to gain a better reputation with Google, and the SEO pros are here to help!

Finally, if you’d like us to give your search engine placement a boost, don’t hesitate to call on our Google optimization services!

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about the author

Micheal Villeneuve is the President and founder of Laradev. Laradev is certified in Laravel development, specializes in universal application, and offers training and support.