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Panierdachat e-commerce platform joins Le Panier Bleu

Written by Michael Villeneuve
New features
November 2 2020 (Mis à jour le 16 February 2024)
3 min

Last April, to help local merchants, the Government of Quebec launched the Le Panier Bleu directory, listing many online stores, to give them a local and increased visibility.

Le Panier Bleu recently launched a new initiative to stimulate local purchasing and promote Quebec products as the holiday season approaches.

And this comes at the right time, during this exceptional period, when everyone is planning to store mostly online and in advance to ensure that their gifts will be at the foot of the tree on time.

Don’t have your online store yet and you want to sync your online catalog with Le Panier Bleu? Open an account on our easy-to-build e-commerce platform!

When e-commerce platform Panierdachat meets Le Panier Bleu

Panierdachat has joined Le Panier Bleu in its race to create a local and online catalog in which more than 500,000 products are sold.

Because we have at heart and support our local e-merchants, Panierdachat took the bet, in collaboration with the Blue Basket, to invest in this project.

Panierdachat now offers the chance to all its merchants to distribute, free of charge, from our platform, their online product catalog on le Panier Bleu. Learn how to add your products to the Blue Cart here.

Don’t wait any longer! From your Merchant Interface, choose the products you want to promote and make your brand shine on the local scene!

A visibility that you can’t neglect, which will allow you to get ahead of your competitors in the frenzy of the digital revolution.

A synergy that will allow you to better and more effectively reference yourself locally.

Le Panier Bleu

Le Panier Bleu at the origin: What does it offer to Quebec SMEs? What are its advantages? How much does it cost?

It is a directory of local businesses throughout the province of Quebec. It allows Quebecers to easily find local businesses that continue to sell even if their physical store is closed. With a search engine by city, le Panier Bleu can guide consumers to the online sites of Quebec merchants.

By consuming locally with the Blue Basket stores, Quebecers are showing “their solidarity by making a collective gesture that will provide a breath of fresh air to our economy right now”.

With a great wave of solidarity wishing to consume locally and help local businesses, being part of the Blue Basket directory will be a great help for your activity.

Adding your business to the Le Panier Bleu directory is completely free.

Start an amazing experience.
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How do I create my online store to sell online and display it on Le Panier Bleu?

You want to sell online but do not have an e-commerce store, Panierdachat is there.

Panierdachat is a platform to create easily and quickly a professional and powerful online store. You will then be able to add your inventory and publish it on Le Panier Bleu.

Who can create an online store with Panierdachat?

The platform is aimed at everyone and at all levels. From beginners (help with creation, intuitive and easy-to-understand interface, expert customer service that listens and responds to your needs) to experienced web users (connection with external applications for ideal marketing and management, a store optimized for search engines…).

How much does an online store with Panierdachat?

With the period of confinement, Panierdachat offers to all new businesses the first month of their subscription. A free month which is added to the 14 days already offered (your first 45 days at no charge).

Start an amazing experience.
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Packages start at $29.95 per month with no commitment (one of the lowest rates for an online store).

And with Panierdachat you won’t pay for your design all our themes are 100% free for everyone. Unlike other platforms Panierdachat does not take any commission on your sales, which allows you to get the most out of your sales.

And icing on the cake, one year of domain name is offered to all merchants from the Silver package.

Support Quebec as well with a 100% Quebec e-commerce platform

Panierdachat is an online store e-commerce platform 100% Quebecois. Created here in Quebec, the platform has evolved over the years according to the demands of merchants.

It offers you today the creation of beautiful, powerful and efficient online store on the web, and in a simple and fast way.

Launch yourself online today without any risk with Panierdachat.

Start an amazing experience.
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about the author

Micheal Villeneuve is the President and founder of Laradev. Laradev is certified in Laravel development, specializes in universal application, and offers training and support.

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