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What is a transactional email and how to use it?

Written by Michael Villeneuve
Optimize your store
July 5 2019 (Mis à jour le 16 February 2024)
2 min

What is a transactional email?

A transactional email is an email sent to a single recipient to certify a transaction or an event. Have you already received a newsletter advertising a promotional code a few minutes after signing up for a newsletter? It was an automated mail, which is called, in web jargon, a “transactional email”.

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Example of a transactional email

  • Online order confirmation email
  • Email confirmation of the shipment of an order
  • Confirmation email to the subscription to the newsletter
  • Automated notification email
  • Welcome message email
  • Tracking Email or Order Status
  • Etc.

Who says transactional email, does not necessarily say transaction. In the scenario of a transaction, you will receive an email confirming the success of your transaction. The “transaction” is actually an event, and the event is the click that creates the trigger. An entry in the newsletter will be the “event” in this case.

Transactional email is available and free on Panierdachat from the Gold plan in the menu Marketing / Newsletter / Transactional Email.

email transactionnel

Say Welcome to you visitors with an email

This person was interested in receiving your offers and promotions, great! Transactional email can contain a few words confirming the registration and you can welcome and thank this person.

Many subscribe to the newsletter by interest in your business and probably be on the lookout for good deals. You can take the opportunity to give a welcome promotional code to convince them to make a first purchase. By adding a promotional code which will only be valid for a limited time, you will create a sense of urgency, and could increase your sales.

Show your products

A picture is better tan a thousand words! Show your best sellers, add direct links to bring “link juice” to your shop and improve your SEO. Beautiful images of products, it pays!

Encourage them to share

Invite your customers to share their purchases with a hashtag! You can also invite them to write a review on your Facebook page, or your Google Business page. There opinions and reviews will pledge quality and if not, it will be at least constructive on what your service would improve!

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about the author

Micheal Villeneuve is the President and founder of Laradev. Laradev is certified in Laravel development, specializes in universal application, and offers training and support.

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